The image of a soon to be mommy is without doubt, one of the most etheral things on earth, there is something about that baby bump that accentuates a woman's beauty tenfold. Your outdoor location is by choice within the Port Macquarie area, I prefer to find a location where we can control the light to create some flattering clean and fresh images. I allow 1 1/2 hours for your maternity session, the $250 fee includes a discussion prior to the day on what style of portrait you are hoping for,any advice on clothing and any requests you may have.You will also receive a disc of at least 30 of the best images from the session, fully edited and of high resolution within a week of your session, those images will also be provided in black & white. |
Your little one has arrived and the perfect time, if possible, is between 7-14 days after birth to photograph your precious one, while they are still in that sleepy stage. Don't fret if you have missed this first period though as the older they become the more of ''them'' you will be able to see when you look back on the images at a later stage. I now run outdoor newborn sessions and am totally in love with the natural textures and light. You will need to allow a minimum of 2 hrs as we are working with your little ones, if they need to be nursed or cuddled we simply stop and resume when they are blissful patience will ensure the session is enjoyable for all and we obtain those beautiful newborn images we set out for. The fee for these Newborn sessions are $220 and a disc with 30 of our times best images will be provided,fully edited and of high resolution for printing and low resolution for digital media. |